From 2D digital imaging to finite element analysis using the ENEAGRID high performance computing infrastructure for the preservation of historical masonry structures

Marialuisa Mongelli, Irene Bellagamba, Francesco Iannone, Giovanni Bracco
Data pubblicazione
International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation
Volume 3, Issue 3, 324-347

To improve the collaboration between scientific communities working within geographically distributed laboratories, it is increasingly necessary to take into account the complexity of data streaming process and the difficulties with integrating heterogeneous instruments of different groups of researchers (Mongelli et al., 2017). This paper shows the ‘ENEA staging storage sharing’ (E3S) architecture developed within the COBRA project ( which promotes the technology transfer to small and medium-sized companies for the conservation of cultural heritage. This architecture was setup for the shaking tables at the Sustainable Innovation Technologies (SITEC) ENEA Casaccia R.C. Laboratory and it was used during experimental tests on two masonry walls made up of stone and tuff blocks that represent the poor Italian masonry of historical buildings, to verify the behaviour of innovative techniques of anti-seismic reinforcement. E3S supports the whole experimental process, from photogrammetric reconstruction to FEM calibration, reducing time needed to obtain experimental results by means real time data streaming functions.