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    EoCoE / META Group joint webinar. 2 February 2021

    09:00 -12:00
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    FocusCoE: Webinar with Industries. 4 February 2021

    10:00 -12:00

    FocusCoE project invites you to the Webinar “Opportunities and Challenges for Industrial Applications”, that will take place online on the 4th February, 2021 at 10:00- 12:00.
    The webinar is supported by the EU project FocusCoE, an initiative funded to promote the technologies and services developed by 14 Centres of Excellence (CoEs) in High Performance Computing to stakeholders from science and industry, with particular focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and thereby reinforce the positive impact of HPC in all the areas covered by the CoEs.

    The Webinar aims to cover some of the most critical research areas of the system of CoEs, highlighting topics such as physical-mathematical modelling, numerical algorithms and scientific libraries, and giving a few examples of how CoEs activities and applications result in tangible benefits to address scientific and industrial challenges.

    Please also note that the webinar will be recorded, and a photo will be taken for social media; if these are against of your wishes, feel free to inform us before to start the event.

    How to connect:
    Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone

    New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

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    EXA2PRO-EoCoE joint Workshop. 22 – 24 February 2021

    09:00 -18:00

    EoCoE and Exa2Pro are pleased to invite all of you to participate in a joint workshop that will showcase our respective, breakthrough work in the field of computer science.

    This workshop will last a full 3 days, from February 22 to February 24, 2021, and will highlight several complementary technologies and researches that our respective projects are developing and carrying out.

    All the sessions including hands-on will be done remotely.
    The hands-on session will be limited to 20 participants for the quality of the trainings.

    Registration is necessary so that we can communicate further information and the links to the virtual conference rooms before the workshop. Registration form

    Workshop: EXA2PRO-EoCoE joint workshop. 22 – 24 February 2021

    Co-organized with EXA2PRO

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    09:30 -12:00

    L’ ENEA ha messo a disposizione la sua infrastruttura HPC CRESCO a quanti hanno avuto bisogno di raffinati strumenti digitali per studiare il COVID-19.

    La digitalizzazione, ed in particolare la tecnologia High Performance Computing (HPC), sono in grado di accelerare l’innovazione in tantissimi settori dell’economia e della conoscenza. Ultimamente la tecnologia HPC ha contribuito significativamente, al pari di altre metodologie, ad individuare possibili soluzioni per contrastare l’impressionante diffusione del COVID-19.

    Sono state previste due giornate di discussione e confronto per fare il punto della situazione ed esplorare nuovi possibili sviluppi e applicazioni. Il primo incontro si è svolto lo scorso 26 gennaio 2021.

    La partecipazione è libera e gratuita, previa REGISTRAZIONE ON LINE. Agli iscritti saranno comunicati il link e le modalità di partecipazione.


    A partire dalle ore 09.30 del 23 febbraio 2021 si potrà accedere alla diretta web mediante il seguente link:

    Ulteriori informazioni: