DYnamic Data Analytics Services – H2020 Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020
Abstract. The DYDAS project aims at developing a collaborative platform for offering data, algorithms, processing and analysis services to a large number of users from different public and private user communities. The platform will act as an e-marketplace enabling transactions for accessing data and added value services enabled by HPC and based on Big Data technologies, machine learning, AI and advanced data analytics, with the purpose to match demand and offer among those who own intellectual properties on data/methods for their use and those who need or want to exploit them.
The project will to set-up a platform capable of handling large volumes of dynamic data, enabling public and industry sectors to benefit from large scale data analytics and fostering sharing and re-use of public and private data/information in a secure environment and through innovative monetization mechanisms (transaction-based, freemium models, revenue sharing, advertising, etc.) and smart city services tocitizens (B2C).
Sito: https://www.dydas.eu/
Resposnsabile ENEA: DTE-ICT
Referente DTE-ICT: Giovanni Ponti
Mail: ict.project@enea.it
Inizio: 1.10.2019
Fine: 31.09.2022